Measures in Response to COVID-19

March 23, 2023


TUAT COVID-19 Response Headquarter
To all students and faculty/administrative staff members
March 15, 2023

Measures in Response to COVID-19

 The Japanese government's Novel Coronavirus Response Headquarters revised the “Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control” on February 10, 2023, and indicated its direction to relax the current measures, including its guidance on mask-wearing in the society.
 In line with this, we announce that TUAT has also decided to correspond as described in “2. TUAT Measures in Response to COVID-19 From Now Onwards (summary table)" of the "Measures in Response to COVID-19 From Now Onwards” as per the attached document.
 If the situation of the COVID-19 spread in the society changes in the future, we may also amend the content of the notice. In that case, we will make a new announcement.
 In addition, we are also revising the “Handling of University Activities in the Post-COVID-19 Era” established by TUAT on November 9, 2021. As soon as the revision is finalized, we will make a new announcement.
