President's Column 14 (Sep. 16, 2023)

日本学術会議 女性の活躍推進のためのワークショップ「多様な人材が活躍できる環境を皆で考えよう?ロールモデルとの対話から考える?」にファシリテータとして参加しました
September 16, 2023 Participated as a facilitator in the workshop "Let's think together about the environment in which diverse human resources can play an active role - Thinking through dialogue with role models" for the promotion of women's activities at the Science Council of Japan


A Group of the meeting asked the following questions: "What is lacking for women researchers to 'take root' and 'nurture the next generation'? In the Group of this meeting, Dr. Yoko Yamada (Professor, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University) and Dr. Kaoru Kitajima (Professor, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University), Dr. Kaoru Kitajima (Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kyoto University; Vice President, Ecological Society of Japan; Member, Science Council of Japan), and Dr. Naoko Yoshinaga (Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kyoto University; Affiliate Member, Science Council of Japan), and I had the opportunity to serve as facilitators and discuss with many participants.
We were able to exchange opinions from a wide range of perspectives, including the great dreams and goals of female researchers, the various difficulties that lie ahead, measures and attitudes to overcome these difficulties, and the need for a change in thinking at the university. As a member of the executive board of the university, I found the discussions very helpful in thinking about the future of the university in concrete terms.
