Credit Transfer Program

Information about the credit transfer program.

The university has credit transfer agreements with the other national universities in the Tama area (the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo Gakugei University, the University of Electro-Communications, Hitotsubashi University) and with the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Nagaoka University of Technology, the University of the Ryukyus, and Sophia University.
This program provides students with a variety of opportunities to pursue boundary-transcending courses of study and actively supports their passion for learning.

(The websites for these universities will open in separate windows.)

Credit transfer between the five national universities in the Tama area
See below for details.
Tama area national university websites
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies website
Tokyo Gakugei University website
University of Electro-Communications website
Hitotsubashi University website
Transferring graduate school credits between the national universities in the Tama area
See below for details.
Credit transfer with the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology *1 *2 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology website
Graduate school credit transfer with the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology *1
Credit transfer with the University of the Ryukyus※ University of the Ryukyus website
Credit transfer with Nagaoka University of Technology※ Nagaoka University of Technology website
Graduate school credit transfer with Sophia University※ Sophia University website

*1 TUAT has a direct credit transfer agreement with these universities.
*2 Only the Faculty of Engineering has a credit transfer agreement with the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (Faculty of Marine Technology).

Credit and Graduate School Credit Transfer between the Five National Universities in the Tama Area

The circumstances surrounding higher education are changing drastically.
To cope with changes such as the declining population of eighteen-year-olds, the increasing demand for lifelong learning and other forms of learning by society as a whole, and the rapid internationalization and informatization of society, universities must undertake the biggest reforms since the current university system was established.
In terms of educational content, the abovementioned reforms have led universities to revamp curriculums, improve education policies, and take other measures to provide content-rich education that takes advantage of the distinctive features of each university.

One widely known measure has been the recent aggressive promotion of credit transfer programs as foreign and domestic universities establish mutual exchange provisions and other exchange activities.

These credit transfer programs provide students with opportunities to take a variety of courses and immerse themselves in different academic cultures, stimulating their thirst for knowledge. Such programs mark a new direction in higher education, encouraging independent study and developing a group of diverse individuals with different focuses within a single curriculum.
This program’s primary objective is to expand study opportunities and promote interaction between students. It is also expected to indirectly improve educational policies and research exchanges through interactions with other universities.

The five national universities in the Tama area (the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo Gakugei University, the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, the University of Electro-Communications, Hitotsubashi University) are distinctive universities with their own histories, traditions and educational programs. The universities are also close geographically, and are well suited to participate in a credit transfer program.
Taking a broad view of higher education in the twenty-first century, the five Tama area universities have agreed to implement a credit transfer program with the goal of enhancing their curriculums.

Council for Promotion of Implementing the Credit Transfer Program for the Five Tama Area National Universities
