Organizations supporting international students

List of offices in charge of the welfare of International Students and Researchers


Administration Offices

Fuchu Campus

Fuchu Student Support Office(1st floor Main Building, Faculty of Agriculture/Graduate School of Agriculture)

  • Student Support Section??042-367-5579
  • Educational Affairs Office? 042-367-5659

Fuchu Student Support Office (1st floor Research Building for the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science)

  • Graduate School Section? 042-367-5670

Koganei Campus

Koganei Student Support Office (1st floor Administration Building "CUBE")

  • Student Support Section??042-388-7011
  • Education Affairs Section I, II??042-388-7010
  • Admissions Section? 042-388-7014

Organization for the Advancement of Education and Global Learning (EAGLe)

The Organization for the Advancement of Education and Global Learning (EAGLe) provides counseling for international students' study, living and other issues. Consulting by e-mail is also available.

Fuchu Campus
Name of Professors Room? Extension? E-mail?
Associate Prof. Natumi ITO Global Information Office, 1F, Main Building for Faculty of Agriculture ?5651 itonatsu *
Associate Prof. Kayo YOKOMORI Global Information Office, 1F, Main Building for Faculty of Agriculture ?5920 yokomorikayo *
Koganei Campus
Name of Professors Room? Extension? E-mail?
Prof. Tomoko HONGO Room 506, 5F, Building 13 ?7620 hongot *
Associate Prof. Yukiko HORIKIRI Room 504, 5F, Building 13 ?7622 horikiri *

Please replace * with @ for the email

Website of EAGLe

Tutor System

Tutors offer extracurricular guidance and supports to international students concerning Japanese language, classes and daily life. The tutor is normally a Japanese undergraduate or graduate student in the same major.



Student Counseling

Student Counseling Room is set up on each campus and is open as a space for free talk between students and staff. Please visit at designated time.

Health Counseling

Health Service Center will provide support and advice free of charge. It is possible to provide simple treatment or introduce an appropriate hospital if necessary.
Open day and time : Mon. through Fri. 9:00-16:30 (both Fuchu and Koganei)
Fuchu Campus: In the site of administration office (building marked "25" in the campus map)
Tel: 042-367-5548
Koganei Campus: 1st Floor, Administration Building (building marked "34" in the campus map)
Tel: 042-388-7171

Poster of TUAT Health Service Center (Contact Information)
Click here for details (Website of TUAT Health Service Center)

Harassment Counseling

We respect all the human rights and try to create the best environment for education and study at TUAT. Please do not worry alone, and contact EAGLe, Health Service Center, Student Counseling Room, or wherever you feel most comfortable.
