International House and Student Dormitories

The International Houses are provided at both Fuchu and Koganei campuses for international students, visiting researchers and professors. In addition to the International Houses, TUAT international students can also enter Hitotsubashi University's International Student House at Kodaira campus, which is jointly operated by universities in the surrounding area.

For Residents

Certificate of residence can be issued here [International House / Hitotsubashi University International Resident  Hall]

For international students


Application process

Public announcements for all rooms will be made for potential residents.
All information will be posted on this web site.
If you would like to be apply for the student housing, please follow the instructions and complete the application process by the designated deadline. Please note that prospective international students cannot apply for the Hitotsubashi University's International Student House.

Application period (for international students)

Move-in timing Dormitory name Application begins ( for current students) Application begins (for prospective students)
Move in in April TUAT International Houses
(Fuchu and Koganei)
Around December Couple room/Family room: around December
Single room: around February
Hitotsubashi University International Resident  Hall
Around November Application not possible
Move in October TUAT International Houses
(Fuchu and Koganei)
Around July
Hitotsubashi University International Resident  Hall
Around June Application not possible

Call for applications (for international students)

TUAT International House (Fuchu/Koganei) April 2025 Resident Applications (Closed)
  • Eligible participants:
    ① Those who are not enrolled at our university at the time of application, but have decided (or are scheduled to) enroll in our university in April 2025
    ②Those who wish to use a family room
  • Application deadline: Thursday, February 20, 2025
  • Available rooms:
    [Fuchu International House] 5 single rooms, 2 family rooms
    [Koganei International House] Single rooms Type A 6 rooms, Type B 4 rooms
  • Application guidelines: PDF file
  • Application form for occupancy permission and notes: PDF file / Excel file
Hitotsubashi University International Resident  Hall (Kodaira) April 2025 Resident Applications (Closed)
  • Eligible applicants: Students enrolled at this university at the time of application
  • Application deadline: December 6, 2024
  • Available rooms: 9 single rooms, 3 couple rooms, 3 family rooms
  • Application guidelines: PDF file
  • Application for Permission to Move In: PDF file / Word file
◆Important◆ Obligation to enroll in a fire insurance plan

All students who move into or extend their stay in the TUAT International Houses or Hitotsubashi University International Student House MUST enroll in a fire insurance plan covering their period of stay in the dormitory, and submit an official documentation to show their insurance coverage. If students can not submit such documents before moving-in or extending their period of stay, their permit to move into or extend their stay in the house will be cancelled.

Other on-campus and off campus accommodations (for international students)

Click here for information on other on-campus and off-campus accommodations..

Inquiries regarding application to the International Houses

Student Support Section, Educational Affairs Office
TEL: +81-(0)42-367-5932 FAX: +81-(0)42-367-5557
Email: gakryo"*"
(Please replace "*" with @ to prevent spam.)

For international visiting professors and researchers


Available period of stay

Maximum one year of stay will be permitted per application and it may be possible to extend your stay up to 2 years in total. ※1
However, please note that your request of extensions may not be granted depending on availability of rooms.                                                     
  *1 If you wish to extend the period of stay in the dormitory, you must repeat submitting the dormitory application. You have to apply in between three months before the expiry date of your currently-approved period of stay and one months before the expiry date. Please follow procedures mentioned in "Call for applications" below.

Call for Application (for researchers)

Single rooms

Your application to the international houses will be accepted from one month prior to the date when your official visiting period will start.*
*Please note that you can apply for the international houses after your visit will be officially approved by the TUAT department's committee in charge of accepting visiting researchers and professors. If you wish to move in, please apply by following steps 1 and 2 below.

Application for TUAT International House (Fuchu, Koganei) Single Room for Researchers: Application Procedure (an application will be accepted when a room is available)
  1. Please have your TUAT host laboratory call or send an e-mail to Student Support Section, Educational Affairs Office (see their contact information below) to confirm room availability
  2. Once you have confirmed that a room is available, please fill out the application form (download from the link below) and submit it to the general affairs section (administrative office) of the department your TUAT host laboratory belongs to. Your application will be accepted from one month prior to your prospective moving-in date.
Couple rooms and Family rooms

If you wish to move into couple rooms and family rooms, please check information regarding calls for applications which will be posted below when rooms are available.
According to its application guidelines which will be posted below, please submit your application by the designated application date.

TUAT International House (Fuchu) Researcher Couple Room Open Call Information (Application for February 2025 residents: Closed)
  • Available rooms: Fuchu International House Couples Room, 1 room
  • Application guidelines: PDF file
  • Residence Application Form: Word file

Inquiries regarding vacancies and application to the International Houses

Student Support Section Educational Affairs Office
TEL:+81-(0)42-367-5932 FAX: +81-(0)42-367-5557
Email: gakryo"*"
(Please replace "*" with @ to prevent spam.)

Overview of International Houses

Number of rooms

For international students
  Single rooms Couple's room Family room Total
International House (Fuchu)  35  4  4  43
International House (Koganei)  44  3  2  49
Hitotsubashi University International Resident  Hall (Kodaira)  20  3  3  26
Total  99  10  9  118
For international visiting researchers
  Single rooms Couple's room Family room Total
International House (Fuchu)  11  1  2  14
International House (Koganei)  17  1  0  18
Total  28  2  2  32


Fuchu International House

Exterior of Fuchu International House Fuchu International House Entrance Hall

2-41 Saiwaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0054
Building Manager office hours: Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays) 8:30 - 17:30 Saturday 8:30 - 12:30

Fuchu International House (PDF)

Koganei International House

Koganei International House exterior Koganei International House Entrance Hall

2-24-16 Nakamachi, Koganei City, Tokyo 184-0012
TEL & FAX: +81-(0)42-388-7241
Building Manager office hours: Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays) 8:30 - 17:30 Saturday 8:30 - 12:30

Koganei International House (PDF)

Hitotsubashi University International Resident  Hall (Kodaira)

Hitotsubashi University International Resident  Hall (Hitotsubashi Dormitory) exterior Hitotsubashi University International Resident  Hall (Hitotsubashi Dormitory) Room Examples

1-29-1 Gakuen Nishimachi, Kodaira City, 187-0045 (about 10 minutes walk from Hitotsubashi Gakuen Station on the Seibu Tamako Line)
TEL & FAX: +81-(0)42-349-0039
Plaza Manager Office Hours: Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays) 9:00 - 17:00

※For information of applications, please contact TUAT Student Support Section, Educational Affairs Office (042-367-5932).
(Do not contact Hitotsubashi University's International Student House *directly)

Hitotsubashi University International Resident Hall
