2022-12-02 Biomedical system engineering experiment I “Principles of ultrasound diagnostic imaging equipment”

Today, we'd like to introduce you to some classes in the Department of Department of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Engineering!
The Department of Department of Biomedical Engineering is a unique department where students can simultaneously study engineering subjects such as physics and electronic information engineering, as well as biology and medical subjects.
You can acquire the knowledge necessary to develop medical devices and medical systems.
The class I visited was ``Biomedical Systems Engineering Experiment I'' for second-year students.
In this class and the 3rd year students' ``Biomedical Systems Engineering Experiment II'', each group will study six subjects: ``vibration/resonance phenomena,'' ``optics,'' ``electronic circuits,'' ``biological measurement,'' ``imaging,'' and ``mechatronics.'' Learn the themes in order and do four experiments for each theme.
By working on themes that span multiple academic fields, you will not only learn the demonstration method of experimentation, but also develop flexible ideas and application skills!

Today's theme is "Imaging" by Assistant Professor Nagahama Yuki!
Wang uses simulated biological tissue to learn the principles of ultrasound imaging diagnostic devices.
First, create a pseudo-living tissue!
As shown in the first and second photos, you can put gelatin in a square container and submerge marbles, wire, etc. into it.

Once the gelatin has hardened, place it in a container filled with water and apply ultrasonic waves, as shown in the third photo.

There are various things you can put inside the gelatin, such as marbles, rubber hoses, wire, and silicone goldfish, as shown in the fourth photo.
From among them, everyone in the group discusses and chooses about three.

The fifth photo is an oscilloscope that observes the reflection of ultrasound waves.
Ultrasonic waves are reflected at the boundary where the materials change.
What is important here is the value of the material's "acoustic impedance."
It is the speed of sound inside an object multiplied by the density of the object.
Ultrasonic waves are reflected strongly at boundaries where there is a large difference in acoustic impedance between materials, and on the other hand, reflected weakly at boundaries where the acoustic impedance values of the materials are close.

Since the acoustic impedance differs depending on the material, the strength of reflection at the boundary between the material and the water will vary, and the appearance will differ depending on the material.
By the way, the difference in acoustic impedance between silicon and water is small, so it seems difficult to observe the silicon goldfish in the third photo.
Seeing it with your eyes and examining it using ultrasound reflections are completely different.
Interesting one!

Photos 6 to 9 are of the class.
Wang learned a lot from his teacher about how to apply ultrasound waves and the characteristics of diagnostic equipment, and had discussions with his group, all while doing experiments.

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