About the outline screen of the course website

When you connect to the LMS from SIRIUS learning portfolio ①~③ , the "Outline screen" of the "Class site" will be displayed.

④ "Class site"
⑤We will explain each item on the “Menu screen” .
"Outline"...You can check "Announcements," "Materials," "Assignment List," and "Quiz List."
"Class"...You can check the subsites of the "Class Screen".
"Class Materials"...You can check the "Materials".
"Assignments"...You can check your assignments.
"Quiz"...You can check the "Quiz".
"Discussion"...You can check the "Discussion".
"Notice"...You can check the "Notice".
"Messages"...You can check "Messages".
"Gradebook"...You can check your "grades".
"Site Information"...
"Help"...You can check the "About Sakai Help" website.
⑥We will explain each item on the “Outline screen” .
"Notice"...You can check "Notice" from the past 10 days.
"Documents"...You can add and check "Documents".
"Assignment List"...You can add and check "Assignments".
"Quiz List"...You can add and check "Quiz".
⑦We will explain each item on the "top right screen" .
"Site List"
Logout button
About site list settings