Affiliated Research Facilities
Frontier Agricultural Education and Research Institute

The Frontier Organization for Agricultural Education and Research consists of 6 Faculty of Agriculture affiliated facilities/centers: Field Science Center, Animal Medical Center, Scleroprotein and Leather Research Institute, Center for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention Research, Advanced Plant Factory Research Facility and Wildlife Management Center.
The Frontier Institution was established in FY2021 (2019) to maximize the resources possessed by each affiliated institution while maintaining their independence, and to further strengthen their regional contributions and revenue-generating functions.
In order to promote regional cooperation including lifelong education in the age of 100 years, and to lead social contribution activities through education and research at Institute of Agriculture, Graduate School of Agriculture, and Faculty of Agriculture, its main role is to formulate future plans and specific strategies involving all affiliated facilities, while incorporating opinions from external experts, and to manage and operate them.
Field Science Center (FS Center)

The FS Center was established in April 2000 with the aim of establishing the field science as a comprehensive academic field, and has five educational fields: resource and material circulation, natural environment, wildlife conservation and management, agriculture and forestry in mountainous areas, and urban agriculture. Utilizing eight diverse fields within a 100km radius of the capital city, including natural forests, secondary forests, farmland, and urban green spaces, as field museums (FMs), the center pursues the ideal relationship between humans and nature by combining a wide range of perspectives and methods, including environmental science, Department of Biological Production, forest science, ecology, and veterinary medicine, and is conducting education and research to solve food and resource problems and build a resource-circulating society.
Go to the website Field Science Center (opens in a new window).
Noko Yume Ichiba (Dream’s Market)

Yume Ichiba (Dream’s Market) is an antenna shop that sells agricultural products and processed goods produced at the FS Center. It is used as a base for collecting and transmitting information as part of food and agriculture education, and also as a place for practical education where agricultural and forestry products can be produced, harvested, and sold. Products produced by students at the FS Center are also sold there.
For details on sales dates, business hours, items on sale, etc., please check the FS Center website listed above.
Animal Medical Center, Faculty of Agriculture

Animal Medical Center (renamed July 1, 2008) has been improving its facilities and equipment to meet the needs of the increasing number of people keeping pets in recent years, the associated advancement of veterinary care, and as the core of animal medical care in the Western Tokyo campus. Construction of a new hospital was completed at the end of May 2008.
Currently, we treat outpatient veterinary patients as a place for clinical research and education for Faculty Member and students of the Faculty of Faculty of Agriculture Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine.
The new hospital will be laid out to enable medical treatment to be carried out in a systematic manner, and its facilities will be further improved in addition to the existing CT scan and MRI machines.
Medical care is focused on small animals and is divided into general medical care (internal medicine and surgery) and specialized medical care in the fields of neurology, dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, oncology, reproductive medicine, and cardiology. Medical care is provided by Faculty Member from Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine, as well as the Center's full-time Faculty Member and technical staff, who also educate students and medical interns under Faculty Member supervision.
On the other hand, we also contribute to the research of graduate students at the Gifu University Graduate School of Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine.
Go to the Animal Medical Center website (opens in a new window)
Scleroprotein and Leather Research Institute

Scleroprotein and Leather Research Institute is a unique research facility established to elucidate the functions of scleroproteins (proteins that make up the extracellular matrix, such as collagen, elastin, and keratin) and related biomolecules present in the connective tissues that make up the major part of animals, and to develop applications for them as functional materials. Collagen, which makes up the body of animals, exhibits physiological functions such as providing a place to create an environment for cells. Collagen has attracted attention as a cosmetic for its protective and moisturizing effects on the skin, and for its effects in maintaining the functions of the skin and locomotor system when ingested. This research facility is working to elucidate the diverse biological functions of the extracellular matrix and develop applications for clothing, functional foods, cosmetics, and regenerative medical materials.
In order to conduct comprehensive research on life and biological resources, we collaborate with researchers both inside and outside the university and conduct interdisciplinary education and research through activities such as joint research.
Go to the Scleroprotein and Leather Research Institute website (opens in a new window)
Center for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention Research

The purpose of Center for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention Research is to predict zoonotic diseases that will emerge in the future based on "future epidemiology," and to conduct research and education to implement proactive disease prevention measures.
The new Center for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention Research has three units. The Future Infectious Disease Research Unit aims to discover unknown viruses, the Crisis Management Unit aims to predict future infectious diseases and prevent them in advance, and the Management Unit manages these research projects. Our main goal is to train students who can put Future Epidemiology? into practice and let them take flight into society. Small things can always be done. It takes effort to accomplish big things. We will work hard to contribute to society with Future Epidemiology?.
Go to the Center for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention Research (opens in a new window)
Research Center for Frontier Plant Factory

Research Center for Frontier Plant Factory is an advanced, energy-saving plant factory facility for developing high-yield, healthy fruit tree management techniques.
The facility was established with a subsidy from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2009). As a model plant, blueberries, which TUAT has contributed to popularizing in Japan and are highly profitable, were selected.
We aim to establish, popularize and brand a cultivation system that can provide fresh fruit year-round, with high yields and low environmental impact.We will conduct research and provide training on environmental control, combined use of sunlight and artificial light, life cycle regulation, systematization of tree health management, functional ingredient management, automation of work, etc.
To the Advanced Plant Factory Research Facility website (opens in a new window)
Wildlife Management Center

We will establish a wildlife management education and research center and an international wildlife management consortium, and through the construction of a scientific wildlife management system and training of the personnel who will carry out this system, we will solve social issues surrounding wildlife and contribute to increasing the value of sustainable rural areas.
The Wildlife Management Center will make significant contributions to solving social issues surrounding wildlife through the following activities:
(1) In collaboration with other universities, we will develop and deploy a "Wildlife Management Core Curriculum" as a systematic educational program for wildlife management. We will then implement, disseminate, and improve this program not only for students but also as a form of recurrent education, thereby becoming a base for developing specialized human resources in the field.
(2) To investigate and research cutting-edge technologies for wildlife management, provide feedback to management policies through efficient measures and the measurement of their effectiveness, and build a system for developing human resources that will be utilized in practical education.
(3) In order to address issues specific to East Asia, where the wildlife-related situations are similar, we will serve as the base for an international wildlife management consortium that will build a management model with an Asian perspective through collaborative research.
Go to Wildlife Management Center (opens in a new window)
Education and Research Center for Frontier Agricultural Science

Education and Research Center for Frontier Agricultural Science was established in June 2008 with the primary objective of promoting the development of frontier agricultural research and its application to undergraduate and graduate education.
The facility will be Faculty Member from the Graduate Graduate School of Agriculture and Faculty Member Faculty of Agriculture, who will carry out cutting-edge large-scale project research and hold symposiums to gradually disseminate the results. In addition to utilizing the facility for education and research, the facility will also engage in a wide range of activities, including contributing to society.