2022-12-15 Japanese Culture「和太鼓ワークショップ」
12月7日(水)、留学生たちと一緒に1年生~3年生向けの「Japanese Culture」科目の授業に参加したワン。


「Japanese Culture」は、教養科目の中の、国際教養科目や自然科学系基礎科目を英語で学べる「Multidisciplinary Courses」の1つ。
Multidisciplinary Coursesには、留学や研究の現場で英語を使って議論するための素養やスキルを身につけられる科目がたくさんあるんだワン。

On Wednesday, December 7, we attended a Wadaiko Workshop of the Japanese Culture course with international students. The energetic performance of the Sanpo-kai members showed the prayers for peace and a sacred feeling toward life, woof. We actually tried playing the drums the workshop. It was difficult, but so much fun, woof, woof! We sent our prayers on everyone's health and peace along the sound of the drum and the lion dance, woof!

Japanese Culture is one of the "Multidisciplinary Courses" in the Liberal Arts Program.
Multidisciplinary Courses include many courses that enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills to discuss issues in English both in the field of research and in study abroad, woof.

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