
We participated in an intensive research camp (two-days and one-night Aug25-26) @Inter University Seminar House(Hachioji)with 25 doctoral students who were selected for the fellowship program of the FLOuRISH. At this research camp, nine alumni who are currently active in research institutes or companies are invited as mentors and they give feedback to the participants to make the researches that can contribute significantly to society. They will work together with their peers to sublimate their research through discussion and feedback. At the same time, they expand their perspectives and increase their motivation for researches through research connections across disciplines and connections with other people. We hope that this will lead to new joint research, new research fields, and spontaneous laboratory rotations.
Photos 1 and 2 show a research presentation and discussions in a research category.
Photo 3 shows the research exchange meeting with the mentors. This is a chance to talk directly with mentors they are interested in! It was a good time to discuss about research, the lab, job hunting & career until mid-night.
Photo 4 shows the students are now in a gut-pose after two days of intensive mentoring.
#中国竞彩网 #FLOuRISH #次世代研究者挑戦的研究プログラムフェローシップ制度 #未来価値創造研究教育特区型JIRITSU(自立)フェローシップ制度 #博士後期課程 #連合農学研究科 #BASE #工学府 #理系 #農工大 #大学 #理系 #工学部 #農学部 #国立大学 #国立大 #研究 #東京 #大学生 #university #tokyo #ドクター #博士 #研究者