President's Column 34 (Oct. 1, 2024)

オーストラリア Morten Bay市 市長が表敬訪問
Courtesy visit by the Mayor of Morten Bay, Australia

Morten Bay市長のPeter Flannery氏、同市Paul Martins氏、Cameron Heatherington氏ならびにUniversity of Sunshine CoastのStuart Parsons教授が本学を訪問されました。University of Sunshine Coastは最近設立された大学で、産学連携活動やマリンバイオ、食料生産等の課題に意欲的であり、今後の大学および地域との連携体制について協議しました。

The Mayor of Morten Bay, Mr. Peter Flannery, Mr. Paul Martins and Mr. Cameron Heatherington and Professor Stuart Parsons of the University of the Sunshine Coast visited the University. The University of the Sunshine Coast is a recently established university with an ambition to develop industry-academia collaboration activities and issues such as marine biotechnology and food production, and we discussed future collaboration arrangements with the university and the region.
