President's Column 11 (Sep. 4, 2023)
Thirteen Hawaii State Government Officials Visited TUAT
私たち中国竞彩网が本年7月にハワイ州知事公邸、ハワイ州政府、ハワイ大学等を訪問し、今後の具体的な連携関係構築の議論を開始したことを受け、早速ハワイ州政府から多数の上院?下院議員、ハワイ大学副学長等の執行部が本学を来訪されました【来訪者:Ms. Lisa Barnett,Sen. Dru Kanuha, Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz, Sen. Chris Lee, Rep. Dee Morikawa, Rep. Daniel Holt, Ms. Nadia Garcia, Rep. John Mizuno, Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi, Mr. Mike Unebasami(UH VP), Mr. Carlos Penaloza, Dennis Ling(Administrator of DBEDT), Marlene Hiraoka】。
Following TUAT's visit to the Hawaii State Governor's Office, the Hawaii State Government, and the University of Hawaii in July of this year to begin discussions on the establishment of a concrete collaborative relationship, a number of members of the Hawaii State Senate and House of Representatives, the Vice President of the University of Hawaii, and other executive officials immediately visited TUAT [Visitors: Ms. Lisa Barnett, Sen. Barnett, Sen. Dru Kanuha, Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz, Sen. Chris Lee, Rep. Dee Morikawa, Rep. Daniel Holt, Ms. Nadia Garcia, Rep. John Mizuno, Rep. Kobayashi, Mr. Mike Unebasami (UH VP), Mr. Carlos Penaloza, Dennis Ling (Administrator of DBEDT), Marlene Hiraoka].
From TUAT, after general introduction by myself, Professor Taiichiro Okawa, Senior Assistant Professor Hiroki Wakamatsu, and Assistant Professor Sakura Takahashi explained TUAT's unique paddy rice cultivation, sake production, and horticulture using solar energy. They also discussed the establishment of a new agroforestry system in Hawaii based on the collaboration between TUAT and the University of Hawaii. In October, the University of Hawaii's executive committee, researchers, and others are scheduled to visit TUAT again to discuss specific activities.