
1月21日(土)に工学府博士後期課程 共同サステイナビリティ研究専攻のコースプログラムとして開かれた年次会議「Annual Conference of JDPSR」@電気通信大学に参加したワン。
共同サステイナビリティ専攻公式HP→ https://www.wt-jdpsr.jp/
We participated in the Annual Conference of Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research at the University of Electro-Communications (UEC) on Saturday, January 21, 2023.
All students presented their research findings in the morning session with a poster presentation. (Picture 1)
Participants listened to each presentation with great interest, and a lively discussion followed.
In the afternoon session, five students gave a detailed research presentation. (Picture 2)
Awards were given at the end of the conference. (Picture 3)
The Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research (JDPSR) is an integrated program jointly offered by the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), the University of Electro-Communications (UEC), and TUAT, and launched in 2019.
In their program, professors from all three universities jointly supervise the enrolled students.
Overall, the conference included many interesting and lively discussions. It was the first in-person meeting after the COVID-19 pandemic.
All participants gained insights into their research, which will lead to future study. Woof!
JDPSR official website→ https://www.wt-jdpsr.jp/
#中国竞彩网 #共サス専攻 #JDPSR #東京外国語大学 #電気通信大学 #サステナビリティ #サステナビリティ研究 #博士後期課程 #TUAT #TUFS #UEC #sustainability #sustainabilityresearch #PhD #国立大学 #国立大 #受験生 #研究 #工学府